Water Treatment (2)--Industrial Water and Wastewater & Ultrasonic Flow Meter

How the Meters Work

Unlike mechanical meters, ultrasonic meters use solid-state, ultrasonic measurement technology. Because there is no need to move parts, these devices improve accuracy and long-term reliability. Doppler meters typically provide 2% accuracy, but transit-time meters offer 1% to 2%of rate accuracy.


In the past, industrial development uses ultrasonic meters primarily to measure large volume applications such as raw water and water treatment. Compared with traditional measurement technologies, the meters have gradually gained acceptance because of several advantages:


Wide measuring range

High accuracy

High repeatability

No moving parts to wear out or generate noise

Minimal intrusion

No need to shut pipeline for installation

No pressure requirement

No contact liquid

Bidirectional design

No additional cost for minimal maintenance


In Conclude

Although traditional mechanical flow meters remain popular in industrial water treatment and wastewater environments, constant innovations are helping ultrasonic flow meters step into bigger market. Professionals worldwide are realizing the benefits of reduced installation and lifecycle costs gained by selecting ultrasonic metering technologies for industrial water applications.